Hey there everyone! @VoicesByCorey here with the Friday NGP update! Holy cow, February was an AWESOME month for content on NGP. @Xinxinix and I closed out the month with a killer interview with the one and only @RicePirate! Heading into the episode, Mick informed us he was a bit tired from working on Blood Sun Vendetta (Which you should go and watch if you haven't yet, what's wrong with you?!), but by the end, he was spritely from the conversation. Xin and I promised we would energize him and we accomplished our mission XD
Go watch BSV: Ch. 002!
Blood Sun Vendetta: Chapter 002
For me, it was an amazing experience chatting with Mick. He's an inspiration and encouraged me to pursue voice acting again. Getting the chance to talk voice acting methods, and industry, with him was really cool. Hearing his process of animating BSV all by himself was inspirational. Take the time to go listen to the episode when you have the time!
Tonight! Xin and @PsychoGoldfish will be chatting it up with the Newgrounds rap legend @heyopc! They'll be discussing his latest album 'Here We Go' and lots of other topics! It'll definitely be a fun episode! You guys and gals who join the live show should get the crew to create a song on the spot! :D Tune in on our Discord server tonight at 9 PM EST!
Next Thursday, Goldy and a slew of guests will be holding a Flash Forward Game Jam recap episode! You don't want to miss this episode because it will be a cavalcade of fun and will include a LEGNEDARY guest. Yes, that's right, GoryBlizzard will be on to talk about fec...okay, we may need to discuss that further Goldy...Anyway, March is looking to be another excellent month for NGP and we hope you join us for every episode!
One more thing before I sign off, we want to give a shout out to our newest Patreon supporter @Commanderken8! Thank you for supporting the podcast, we really appreciate it!
Take care everyone!
P.S. I'm @Will just so he doesn't feel left out XD
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Want to support the show? We are launching a Patreon! The money collected there will be used to pay for content in the show, host more events, pay artists for promo art, and more. Our goal is to elevate the whole community.
Theme Music
If only there was a Chutney Glaze episode, I'm sure him and Xin would have GREAT chemistry!